The Music Ministry at Marietta FUMC is a place where God’s creative spirit surrounds us with beauty beyond imagination. It is this wonderful connection between God and each of us that allows the creative spirit to soar and blossom through music and the worship arts.
We offer a variety of music and worship arts programs for a range of ages. Our program includes choirs, handbell choirs, drama, and orchestra. Whether outdoors, online, or in the Sanctuary, your Music Ministry is there at every turn: for Bluegrass, Southern Gospel, World Music, hymns spanning the last five centuries, new composed anthems, and seemingly everything in between.
How To Volunteer
Complete THIS INTEREST FORM for ways to get involved. From driving a bus or providing snacks to singing in the choir, there are a myriad of ways to support and grow our programming.
Volunteer Musicians
We have choirs and ensembles for all skill levels, ranging from once-a-year events to weekly singing. Ages 4 to ∞. We need you!
Wednesday Children's Choir Volunteers
We provide transportation from four schools on Wednesday afternoons for our educational opportunities. We need the gift of your time to be a bus driver, rider, snack provider, or rehearsal assistant to make this program happen. This can be a weekly commitment or as available. Contact the music ministry assistant HERE. Current volunteers, sign up for routes HERE.
A/V Assistance
We are always looking for AV volunteers. You will receive training and have the opportunity to watch and learn before “working”. You can choose your level of commitment. Youth 8th Grade and older can earn service hours: Time commitments are Sundays 8:00-10:00am or 10:30-12:00. If you’re interested, please contact Dr. Nicole Marane at
Festival Choir
Do you like to sing but cannot commit weekly? Festival Choir is for you! Festival Choir members can choose which of our most beloved services they would like to participate in, such as Easter, Patriotic, and Christmas Eve, and then attend a small number of rehearsals leading up to those services. Contact Dr. Nicole Marane with any scheduling questions or to sign up to be a member.
Chancel Choir
Comprised of approximately 50 voices, the distinguished Chancel Choir sings for the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Sanctuary worship services. We present major choral works and other special worship services with orchestra several times throughout the year. Our choir is open to all adults and active youth choir members with a desire to raise their voices in praise to Almighty God. We rehearse weekly on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Contact Dr. Nicole Marane.
Men’s Ensemble
The Men's Ensemble practices on the last Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in room 251, directly before regular Chancel Choir rehearsal. We sing in service approximately four times a year and for special services, such as the annual Homeless Vigil every November that honors those who have lived and died while experiencing homelessness in Cobb County during the previous year. We invite any and all menfolk from the community who enjoy singing such musics to join us in this fun and rewarding ministry of song. Directed by Brian Parks, Associate Director of Music.
Coventry Ensemble
"Coventry Ensemble" is open to all youth in 6th through 12th grade. Previous musical experience is not required. Singers and non-vocal instrumentalists are both welcome. Coventry members grow as musicians, individuals, and community contributors while rehearsing and learning musical skills, enacting direct-impact service projects, providing leadership within the children's music education programming, participating regularly in Sunday morning worship, and adventuring out challenging, life-changing expeditions. Our ministry partners include the Men's and Women's Extension; Murphy-Harpst Children's Center; and MUST Ministries, among others.
Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in room 305. Sunday is the "main" day with the most participants; students who cannot make Sundays are very welcome to attend on Wednesdays, and Wednesday evening is an excellent option for make-ups. Students are also welcome to attend both, and many do! Contact: Catherine Moulton
Children’s Choir
4 year olds through 5th grade students. REGISTER HERE
Our programming begins with "Early Music": 3:30 we offer playground time and very healthy snacks, followed by music demonstration and theory. This also includes Voice for Life training, the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music. Choir proper begins at 4:30 and runs to 5:15 p.m. for 4-5k, and 5:25 p.m. for 1st-5th grade.
We also offer bus pickup from Burrus, Hickory Hills, MCAA, and West Side Elementary schools immediately after dismissal.
Once monthly, we invite a Mystery Musician to Early Music, and parents are encouraged to come as well with younger or older siblings. Previous guests have included top-notch local musicians, including principals from the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.
During rehearsal, students are divided into the following choirs:
Cherub Choir - 4 and 5 year olds, directed by Tammy Cochran
Carol Choir - 1st and 2nd grade, directed by Brian Parks
Chorister Choir - 3rd through 5th grade, directed by Catherine Moulton
We have handbell choirs for both high school students & adults. No previous music experience is required. Just a willingness to learn! Newcomers are warmly welcomed. Ringers regularly help to lead the music for Sunday morning worship services and play for special services and events throughout the year.
Genesis Handbells rehearse in Room 209 on Sunday’s from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Contact: Brian Parks.
The Wesley Handbells rehearse in Room 209 on Wednesdays from 6:00-6:45 p.m. Contact Dr. Nicole Marane.
Membership is open to middle school students through adult, and new members are warmly welcomed! The orchestra at MFUMC helps to lead music in worship on a regular basis, collaborates with the choral program, and provides music for events. For more information about joining the orchestra, please contact Dr. Nicole Marane.