Children’s Ministry
The mission of Marietta FUMC Children’s Ministry is to assist parents in teaching their children who Jesus is and to provide children with fun, Christ-centered activities to grow closer to God. Above all, we strive to uphold the promises we’ve made to surround our kids with a community of love and grace so that they may grow in their faith and service to others.
We help each child build their faith foundation by focusing on the following guideposts:
We are a welcoming place for all families.
We grow deeper in our faith together.
We find ways to serve others.
We are called to love God and our neighbors.
Upcoming Children’s Events
New to Sunday Mornings?
At First United Methodist Church of Marietta, we use the public school cut-off date to determine their church age group. For example, children who are 4 years old on or before September 1st will be in the 4K class, children 5 years old on or before September 1st will be in the Kindergarten class, etc.
All children remain in their church age group until Promotion Sunday each August. For more information on Sunday morning policies and procedures, click below.
Sunday Morning Offerings
Opportunities to Get Involved
When Adult Bible Studies are in session, Nursery is provided for children ages 8 weeks to 2nd grade. Nursery opens 15 minutes before studies meet. Drop-off and pick-up run from the Nursery Lobby on the 1st Floor of Building B.
Our Acolyte Program is a wonderful way for the children (3rd grade and above) to actively participate in Sunday Worship services and serve as worship leaders. An Acolyte serves at the altar of God, assisting the ministers, and helping everyone prepare for worship. The “Light of Christ” is brought into Worship by the Acolyte and the “Light” is then taken out at the end of the service to signify taking the love of Christ to the world. Our Acolytes also serve as Bible Bearers, bringing in the word of God, and as Crucifiers in bringing in the cross of Christ. Encouraging our children to serve lets them know that worship is important and that there are many ways to serve. Please contact Beth Dawson for more information. CLICK HERE to sign-up to serve.
Volunteering with children is a great way to live out your faith and show our youngest members how much their church community loves them. There are many opportunities to serve within our Children’s Ministry:
-Sunday Morning Fuse Worship
-Sunday School
-Power 45
-Seasonal EventsFor a detailed list of opportunities and information on how to get started, please visit our Volunteer Interest Page HERE.
Ways to Get in Touch with Us!
Amber Whitaker
Director of Children’s Ministry
770-429-7800 EXT 805
Lauren Cox
Associate Director of Children’s Ministry
770-429-7800 EXT 812