Vision & Mission

Vision Statement: To be a welcoming church growing in Christian faith and serving in love.

Mission Statement: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Our Core Values (current and historical):

  • Serving in Christian Love: We "go the extra mile" for each other, and we seek opportunities to serve with integrity and kindness.

  • Discipleship: We engage in faith by sharing God's Word, studying scripture, offering prayers, educating on doctrine, providing worship, and offering encouragement to make disciples of Jesus Christ and transform lives.

  • Generosity: We are kind, generous, and good stewards of our time, talent, and resources.

  • Hospitality: We are friendly and offer generous reception, outreach, and engagement of guests.

  • Purposeful Community Fellowship: We support and engage in numerous church and community ministries.

  • Meaningful Worship: We believe that worship transforms, heals, renews hope, inspires, and calls us into the world to love God and our neighbor. Worship is encountering Jesus Christ through music, word, prayer, and community.


  • Worship services take place each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m..

  • Marietta FUMC has parking on our campus.

  • Yes! Each Sunday you can live stream our services at 9a.m. and 11:15a.m. on

  • To honor a loved one with flowers on the sanctuary altar, please contact Susan Bruce.

  • -Children’s Church – Fuse Worship 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. — Fuse Box. Ages 4K – 3rd grade begin worship sitting with their family. After the children’s sermon they are welcome to join our Children’s Ministry staff in the Fuse Box for Fuse Worship where family members may pick them up at the conclusion of worship.

    -Nursery — Ages 8 weeks - 4 years. Open from 8:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Our nursery runs two rooms: infant and 1 year old, and 2-4 years old. All children are loved and cared for in a safe and age-appropriate environment, complete with toys, music, and a Bible story.


  • We have a great variety of Sunday School classes for all ages and stages. To review our many offerings, click here or contact Rev. Ryan Young for a one-on-one conversation. All classes are open to visitors and new members. Sit in on as many as you like to find what feels best for your spiritual journey!

  • We offer short-term, long-term and ongoing study groups. Studies cover a broad range of relevant topics that challenge and inspire. We often offer Fall, Advent, Winter, Lenten, Spring and Summer studies, forums and book clubs. Detailed information can be found here and is updated seasonally.


  • New members are warmly welcomed into the Marietta FUMC family during Sunday morning Worship. To learn more contact Rev. Blair Tolbert.

  • Church membership promises that Marietta FUMC will support your lifelong faith journey as a Christian and provide a loving, nurturing community. Members support that community through their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.


  • Please contact our Hospitality Director, Beth Dawson to schedule your wedding at Marietta FUMC. Her email is

  • Please visit THIS PAGE for more. Or contact Beth Dawson.


  • Please contact Rev. Ryan Young.

  • Please contact Jada Cowans.


How do I request a visit for someone who is in the hospital?

Please contact Jada Cowans.

How do I request a visit for an older adult who is homebound?

Please contact our Director of Programs, Forrest Cate.

Who do I notify of a death?

Please contact Jada Cowans.

How do I begin making arrangements for a memorial service?

Please contact the Director of Hospitality, Beth Dawson.


How do I join the choir?

If you are interested in joining one of our adult choirs, please contact our music team HERE.

If you have youth or children who are interested in choir, we would love to have them! You may also contact Catherine Moulton.


How do I register for an event or class?

You can register for most our events, classes, camps or groups on our events page here.


  • If your meeting is affiliated with a ministry at Marietta FUMC, a staff member can assist you with reserving a room.

  • If your meeting is not affiliated with a ministry at Marietta FUMC, please contact Wanda Grogan.

  • You may request basic A/V equipment for an event when you make your room reservation. Marietta FUMC staff can help with set up, but we do not provide laptops or software. Attendees should come prepared to run their presentations on their own personal computers.


Do I have to be a member to enroll my child in The Preschool?

No, you do not have to be a member at Marietta FUMC to enroll your child in Weekday Ministries.

Where is The Preschool located?

The Preschool is located on our campus at 56 Whitlock AVE NW, Marietta, GA.

How do I apply to The Preschool?

To learn more about the preschool and fill out an application, please visit their page here.


How do I make an online donation?

To make an online donation to Marietta FUMC, click here.

How do I make an online pledge?

To make an online donation to Marietta FUMC, click here.

Are my donations tax-deductible?

All donations to Marietta First United Methodist Church are tax-deductible.

What is the gift policy of FUMC? 

CLICK HERE to see our policy.