Lent Sermon Series: Unfolding Grace

During the 40 days of Lent, we will journey through the unfolding story of God's grace. From Jesus' victory over temptation to the prodigal son's welcome home, we will focus on how God meets us in our struggles, calls us to repentance, and offers new life through Christ.

Easter Lily Sale

Remember your loved ones this Easter Sunday, April 20, by purchasing an Easter lily in honor or memory of someone special. The lilies will decorate the Sanctuary and other worship spaces on Easter.

This year's lily sale is organized by our children's choirs (4 yr. old through 5th grade) in support of the Coventry Ensemble's (6th through 12th grade) missions and tours. Your donation supports the growth of our children and youth as musicians, liturgical leaders, and positive members of our church community. PURCHASE HERE

Guest Preacher

Join us on the Second Sunday of Lent, March 16, to welcome back Dr. Sam Matthews. Dr. Matthews served as the senior pastor of Marietta FUMC from 2003 to 2018. We hope that you can join us at either service!

The Walk: 5 Essential Practices for Lent

In the Gospels, Jesus modeled for us the Christian spiritual life. The apostles taught it in their writings. And the Church has, through the last 2,000 years, sought to pursue this Christian spiritual life. REGISTER HERE

This Lent, join Revs Julie, Blair, and Ryan for a look at five essential spiritual practices that are rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God and taught throughout the New Testament. Each of these practices is intended as part of our daily walk with Christ while also being an essential part of growing together in the church.

This class will be taught on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings through Lent. The sessions will be identical, so you can choose whichever day is best for you!
Sundays: March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6
Wednesdays: March 12, 19, 26, and April 2