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Lifting Up Our Pastor in Prayer

We invite you to join us as we begin a church-wide, focused prayer initiative called "Lifting My Pastor Through Prayer." Starting October 30, bookmarks with seven daily prayers and scripture readings focused on lifting Rev. Dr. Julie Boone through community prayer will be available at the church for everyone to take home with them and participate. Together, in covenant with God and your fellow Christians at Marietta FUMC, we will pray these prayers daily through the end of 2022. Be sure to grab a bookmark, or you can also find the prayers here on the church website, as well as on Instagram and Facebook.

Sunday: Preaching/Sermons

Lord, anoint Pastor Julie with Your truths. As she prepares her sermons, open her eyes to the truth that You want her to reveal. As she preaches, may she proclaim Jesus Christ in the energy of Your Holy Spirit. Let her words from You, touch the hearts of those listening. For those who do not have a personal relationship with You, lead them to accept the love and saving grace of Your son, Jesus Christ. For those who know You as their Lord and Savior, strengthen our relationship with You and enable us to become mighty warriors for Your kingdom, on earth as it is in heaven. May needs in our church and community be met, may hearts be blessed, and may lives be forever changed. And above all, may Jesus Christ be praised. Let it be so, Lord!

Matthew 16:17, Amos 3:7, Psalms 25:4-5, Ephesians 6:19, John 3:16

Monday: Time With God

Lord, Let nothing hinder my pastor’s time with You. Protect Pastor Julie from the distractions of unnecessary demands, fatigue, overcommitment, and doubt. Bless her with rich study time. May she continue to discover new truths of understanding as she studies Your word. May Your emerging vision for Your people, Your church, be revealed and clearly interpreted through Your servant, Pastor Julie. Give her opportunities, desire, and places to seek You in prayer, both alone and with others. Compel her to pray continually so she will live in and by Your Spirit. Let it be so, Lord!

Matthew 26:41, II Timothy 2:15, Mark 1:35, Acts 1:14a, I Thessalonians 5:17, Galatians 5:25, Ephesians 6:18

Tuesday: Protection

Lord, give my pastor boldness to confront sin and other threats to Your church. Enable Pastor Julie to remain confident and strong in You, even when there are those who will resist the gospel. Set Your protection around my pastor and let no power of the enemy harm her. Let it be so, Lord!

Ephesians 6:10, Hebrews 12:2-3, Psalms 34:4 & 7

Wednesday: Priorities

Lord, give my pastor wisdom to prioritize the tasks of each day, and help her to discern what is most important. Enable her to take every thought captive to obey Christ. Thank you, Lord, that in all things You work for the good of Pastor Julie, who loves You. Through Jesus Christ, may she be more than a conqueror over the challenges of each day. Let it be so, Lord.

Psalms 90:12, Romans 8:28, II Corinthians 10:3-5

Thursday: Knowledge

Lord, enlighten the eyes of my pastor so she may know the hope of Your calling. Help her to trust You with all her heart and not to lean on her own understanding. Increase Pastor Julie’s focus to teach and model Godliness. May she lead her MFUMC staff with the direction and sensitivity that only Your Holy Spirit can offer. May she provide guidance to the lay leadership at MFUMC that will bring unity and a shared vision that will grow our church to minister to the sick, the lost, the lonely, and the unchurched. As pastor to her MFUMC staff and congregation may, Pastor Julie, emulate the strength and compassion of the Good Shepherd. Let it be so, Lord!

Jeremiah 3:15, 1 Kings 3:9, Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday: Family

Almighty God, shelter Pastor Julie and her family. Protect her as part of her family - a wife, a mother, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a sister… Supply her with the time and energy to manage her own household well. In Your faithfulness, meet her personal financial needs. Cover her home and preserve their time together that those cherished times shall be a blessing to her soul, and to the souls of her loved ones. May Your Holy Spirit keep Pastor Julie and her family safe from the devices of Satan. Provide her with Godly friends to walk with her in personal holiness. Let it be so, Lord!

Psalms 91:1-6, 9-12a, 14-16

Saturday: Lasting Fruit

Lord, grant Pastor Julie lasting fruit in Your kingdom. Let those who come to belief and faith in You, through her ministry, grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. May they become disciples who make it a priority to disciple others. May the doors of opportunity for witness be continually opening to her. Let it be so, Lord!

John 15:16, Colossians 2:6-7, II Timothy 2:2

October 26

Church Family Supper

October 30

Family Promise Information Session