School is coming to an end, but the Backpack Ministry is just getting started. Help provide school supplies to children in our community by donating supplies, packing backpacks, or delivering backpacks and supplies. MFUMC partners with the City of Marietta School social workers to help ensure students have the necessary supplies to start the school year. A donation of $25 will supply a fully packed backpack. To donate or get involved, please visit, select "Backpacks" or indicate "Backpacks" on your check either in our Sunday offering or in the church office. Accepting fully packed backpacks from the supply list, the week of July 15-19. Join in the packing fun on Saturday, July 27 or prep on various other dates, see the Sign up Genius for available slots.
Any questions, contact Karen Williams at the church, ext 803.
REGISTER HERE to volunteer!
Marietta City Schools Supply List 2024-2025
Backpack w/o wheels
Crayons-20/24 count
Colored Pencils-20 count
Markers-10 count
#2 Pencils-10/12 count
Pencil Pouch
2- Highlighters
1 -Subject Spiral Notebook
Scissor- (Blunt Pointed Tip)
Glue Sticks - 6 sticks
Wide Ruled Notebook paper
Composition books
3 - Pocket Folders with metal fasteners
2 - Pocket Folders without fasteners
Plastic prong folders
Index Cards
6th, Middle & High
Backpack w/o wheels
#2 Pencils & Mechanical Pencils
Ink Pens – blue or black
Colored pencils
1 inch 3 ring Binder w/ clear front pocket
2 inch 3 ring Binder
College Ruled Notebook paper
Index Cards
Pencil Pouch or carrier