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Women's Ministry Fall Kickoff

Join the women of the church for our Fall Kickoff of fellowship, snacks and tailgate treats, and spiritual renewal on Saturday, August 10 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. in the Family Life Hall. Our guest speaker is Sophie Hudson, author and podcaster.  She will focus on Christian Leadership by sharing stories of encouragement and hope in the everyday, joy-filled moments of life along with much laughter! You are invited to wear your favorite team colors or jerseys! Participant fee is $25 (includes snacks). Registration opens on July 10 thru August 6. Please contact Rev. Blair Tolbert with questions at


Guest Speaker, Sophie Hudson

Hi, I’m Sophie. I love to laugh more than just about anything, and I hope that through my stories, women find encouragement and hope in the everyday, joy-filled moments of life. I speak regularly to groups across the country and for seventeen years have co-hosted The Big Boo Cast with my dear friend and fellow author Melanie Shankle. A graduate of Mississippi State University and the author of seven books (#7 is on the way this September), I love cheering like crazy at live sporting events and watching entire seasons of TV shows in record time. I live in Birmingham, Alabama, with my husband of 27 years – and with our son just down the road at Samford for his junior year of college. 

Find her on Instagram: @boomama205. Listen to her Podcast: The Big Boo Cast on all major platforms. 

August 7

Register for Children's Choirs!

August 11

"Say Yes!" to Fall Ministry Fair