Confirmation at Marietta FUMC
Confirmation is a school year long (September to March) process involving youth, parents, youth staff, and clergy. Our confirmation program is for students in 7th grade or for students in higher grades that have not yet gone through Confirmation. It is a special time in the life of a student when they learn about and experience the Christian faith and what we believe as Methodists. They will learn about the Sacraments, grace, free will, and how to continue growing as a committed disciple of Jesus Christ. This is also a time for students to reflect on what they have been taught growing up and to respond by being confirmed in the church and professing their faith in Jesus Christ. Students will have the chance to learn about and respond to the gift of salvation.
Step One
To learn more about confirmation, please download the handout.
Register & Attend
Watch this page for Registration. Confirmation classes will take place in the Lower Room (Building C) from 10:10am - 11:00am each Sunday.